“The greatest power we have is the power of choice. It is an actual fact, that if you have been groping under unhappiness, you can choose to be joyous, instead. And, by effort, lift yourself into joy. If you tend to be fearful, you can overcome that misery by choosing to have courage. The whole trend and the quality of anyone’s life is determined by the choices that are made”. ~ Norman Vincent Peale
Are you willing to see which choices you are making that are creating your reality?
Every choice you make creates a new set of possibilities.
When you make a decision or have an answer about the way something is, you decide it is that way and you cannot see what’s truly there. You have cut off your awareness and chosen a limited reality.
When you say you’d like something and it’s not showing up, often times something has been energetically entrenched or established and it is then triggered by events of your life.
Choice is disrupted by emotions such as: anger, blame, hate, shame, guilt, regret, fear, doubt, addictive and obsessive behaviours. Emotions like these stop you from being present and put you into unconscious reaction, rather than allow you to be present and have the ability to choose something different.
Did you also know that many of our beliefs and thoughts around money, relationships, business, health are not even ours but here we are carrying them around like we own them (and some we don’t even know they are there but they are in the cockpit steering our life!)
Have a think about the repetitive thoughts and feelings that come up each day or times of challenges.
‘there’s never enough’
‘my body is built this way, I’ll never lose the weight’
‘i keep attracting the same person into my life’
‘you have to work hard to make money’
What other ones have you become aware of?
Once we take it on as our own, it becomes our point of view on so many other things that we don’t even realise are related.
Have you ever noticed that if you slack off in one area it affects another? You get so busy being busy with kids, life, business that the house or the car or your wallet starts to resemble a storage facility and then you notice that other areas in your life and business become sluggish and change?
When you are running a business, you are more than likely to see that showing up in your bottom line as well!
Let’s run with the example above. You start to notice that you look at short cutting things to get them done quicker. It might be a outsourcing something, or buying lunch instead of making it and before you notice your pants are a little snugger and the job you outsourced wasn’t to the quality you normally receive. On top of that the kids are acting like it’s a full moon every day. In the end you haven’t saved time or money. You created this reality from a different perspective, a different point of view.
There is no right choice. However, the choices you are making are creating your reality.
Some questions you could ask yourself are:
What choices can I make differently?
Am I being the energy of the person I desire to become?
Would my future self make these choices?
To Your Success
Kate 🌷