Release yourself from things in your life that lower your internal value, that reinforce your old small vision of a limited self and prevent you from growing – move in a direction that is different and more expansive than yesterday.  Kyle Cease, Illusion of Money

I’m not going to reinvent the wheel here.  Kyle Cease shares it in his book ‘Illusion of Money’ which aligns so well with how I work with my clients.  Although we work on the foundations of life and business; mindset and money mindset come up in every session.Here’s a few points that I know someone needs today.

  • Your true value is based on how much access you have to your infinite creativity – to your true calling, to doing things that feel like a “hell yes”.
  • Meditation and sitting in silence with whatever emotions arise is one way to connect to your true self.
  • Money does not create your value – it’s the result of your connection to your true value.
  • We can raise our value by seeing ourselves as more valuable and feeling this internally, rather than waiting for external validation.
  • You raise your value by making your time more valuable – your time is made more valuable by doing only the things that will expand you beyond what you used to be eg. you decide you are more valuable than watching 3 hours of YouTube videos that don’t expand you and instead start writing a book or even create your own You Tube channel.
  • Your value will skyrocket the more you work on yourself.
  • Money is not a calling, a job is not a calling. A calling is letting life do the work through you, so what you do becomes effortless and the results show up naturally. You are not what you do or produce, it’s the love of what you do evident through the product that attracts others.
  • When you are so in love with being you, no amount of money could ever convince you to do anything other than your heart’s calling.
  • It’s not about quitting a job or relationship that you feel is lowering you without first examining the fear you are not facing that is causing you to lower your value and stay stuck. Why are you holding on to these things? Quitting without first shining a light on the underlying emotions and limiting beliefs may mean you create a new job with the same circumstances or the fear of not paying bills or finding new income distracts you from the true work of facing and transcending your unworthiness and pain.
  • Leaping from one heavy thing to another without an internal shift and insight into what is truly blocking you is not true transformation.
  • In this space of self-connection, people will want to work with you, they will be drawn to your obvious joy and will trust you because you are not trying to get something from them.
  • Your expansion is your life force – if you are not expanding you are contracting, constricting.
  • Sometimes you need to leap into something bigger then yourself – a leap is something that feels scary to your mind but exciting to your soul.

I love them all, but the last point underpins what I love and do.

Which one stood out to you?   Good or bad, what are you going to implement moving forward?


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To Your Success
Kate 🌷


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