You know what the real problem is with getting organised? We have too much stuff!

I’m willing to bet you have some things you (or someone you live with) keep without having a good enough reason.

So why DO we keep so much stuff?

The thing is, it’s easier to find excuses for why you should keep something and delay making a decision rather than making a firm (and sometimes difficult) choice to say goodbye to your “stuff.”

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Here are my favourite excuses…

1. I might need it someday.

Yes, you might. But the thing is most of the items we keep can easily be found or replaced within a day or two. Lots of men keep every screw and nail created and store it away like a squirrel with his nuts.  Or do you have a mountain of disposable containers like I had??

These little items create more and more clutter and it gets to a point where you can’t find that little screw or the lid to go with the container anyway because it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. The more we keep this behaviour the more likely we are to keep developing little treasure troves of ‘stuff’ each time we clean up with the intention to never have a dumping place again!

2. I’m going to lose some weight and start wearing this again.

In the now, love the person looking back at you in the mirror.  What has the precious body given you til this moment.  That beauty is just right as she is right now and the clothes that you have to embrace that body are perfect for that body.  Acknowledge all she has done and if you are a mum, all she has nurtured.

I hope if you do have a goal to lose some weight, do it with love and grace. Check in with your body each day and ask her what she chooses to do to be the strong resilient feminine she wishes to be.  And when you reach your goal (make sure you make goals, the more we acknowledge the more we are open to receiving), I give you permission to go out and find a sale and buy some brand new clothes. You should be proud and it’s the perfect time to reward yourself; and love yourself at each stage.

3. So-and-So Gave Me This.

I’m all for keeping memories and items that remind us of people we love.

But the truth is, memories are not in the clutter, its in the knick-knacks and ‘stuff’ you have shoved in a box or a drawer or cupboard.

I won’t say get rid of everything and it’s not always an easy decision.  But try and just keep the special things you cherish.  And get them out in the open, on display – where you can enjoy them and have a story to tell when someone comments or asks a question about the item.

If you find this part brings up too much, you may want to connect with a professional who can delve deeper into the relationship.

4. I paid good money for this…’thing’!

I’m sure you did and I’ve heard this come from my mouth too!  The thing is, what has more value … this item you no longer have any use for or the way you enjoy your house?  This piece of clothing you may not have worn at all, or your feeling of loving the clothes you dress your body with?

The item…or your happiness? The item… or your space?

5. Oh, I’m just trying to figure out what to do with it…

Okay, so maybe it’s not worth holding onto.

See, if it takes that much mental work to figure out what to do with something, you can take a pretty good guess that it may not be worth as much to you as you think.

If I have a ‘trying to figure out’ pile now; I make sure it doesn’t stay around longer than a week (I have a small house and clutter attracts clutter!!).

I ask the item – do I sell you, gift you or throw you?  I’ll get an immediate intuitive answer on these items as they are ready to more to their next destination and action accordingly.

If you can’t figure out what to do with something … it’s a safe bet you won’t miss it too much. 

There is a lot more value in enjoying your home, your friends and your family than the ‘stuff’ you paid for.

To Your Success
Kate 🌷

PS.  Receive my Free Mini-Training where you’ll learn 6 easy steps to transform your relationship with your money.

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